Damon Orthdodontics

7 Signs You Might Need Orthodontic Treatment as an Adult

Welcome to Damon Orthodontics! As a trusted provider of orthodontic care, we understand the importance of maintaining optimal oral health at every stage of life. While many people associate orthodontic treatment with adolescence, the truth is that adults can benefit just as much from straightening their teeth and correcting bite issues. In fact, adult orthodontic treatment is becoming increasingly common as more people recognize the impact that a healthy smile can have on their overall well-being.

In this article, we’ll explore seven signs that may indicate the need for orthodontic treatment as an adult. From persistent jaw pain to self-consciousness about your smile, these signs can signal underlying issues that orthodontic intervention can address. At Damon Orthodontics, we’re committed to providing personalized treatment options tailored to your unique needs and goals. Whether you’re dealing with crowded teeth, gaps between your teeth, or an overbite, we’re here to help you achieve a healthier, more confident smile. So let’s dive in and discover if orthodontic treatment might be right for you!

1. Persistent Jaw Pain

One of the common signs that you might need orthodontic treatment as an adult is persistent jaw pain. If you experience chronic discomfort or soreness in your jaw, it could be indicative of underlying issues such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder or malocclusion (misalignment of the teeth). Malocclusion can place strain on the jaw joints and muscles, leading to pain and discomfort, especially when chewing or speaking.

Orthodontic treatment can help alleviate jaw pain by correcting the alignment of your teeth and jaws. By bringing your teeth into proper alignment, orthodontic appliances such as braces or clear aligners can help distribute biting forces more evenly, reducing strain on the jaw joints and muscles. This can result in significant relief from jaw pain and discomfort, allowing you to enjoy improved comfort and function.

At Damon Orthodontics, we specialize in diagnosing and treating jaw-related issues with a personalized approach. Our team will conduct a comprehensive evaluation to determine the underlying cause of your jaw pain and develop a customized treatment plan to address your specific needs. With our expertise and advanced orthodontic techniques, we can help you find relief from persistent jaw pain and achieve a healthier, more comfortable smile.

2. Difficulty Chewing or Biting

Another sign that you might need orthodontic treatment as an adult is difficulty chewing or biting. If you find it challenging to bite into or chew certain foods, it could indicate issues with your bite alignment or tooth position. Malocclusion, such as an overbite, underbite, or crossbite, can interfere with the proper functioning of your teeth, making it difficult to bite and chew effectively.

Orthodontic treatment can address bite issues by realigning your teeth and jaws, allowing them to function harmoniously. Braces or clear aligners can gradually move your teeth into their ideal positions, improving your bite alignment and restoring proper function. As a result, you’ll find it easier to bite into and chew a variety of foods without discomfort or difficulty.

At Damon Orthodontics, we understand the impact that bite problems can have on your oral health and quality of life. Our experienced orthodontists will assess your bite alignment and recommend the most suitable treatment option to address your specific concerns. With our personalized approach to orthodontic care, we can help you overcome difficulties with chewing and biting, allowing you to enjoy a more comfortable and functional smile.

3. Crowded or Crooked Teeth

Crowded or crooked teeth are common issues that can affect adults and may indicate the need for orthodontic treatment. If your teeth are crowded or misaligned, it can impact your oral health and confidence in your smile. Crowded teeth can be difficult to clean properly, increasing the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental problems.

Orthodontic treatment can address crowded or crooked teeth by gradually moving them into their proper positions. Braces or clear aligners apply gentle pressure to shift the teeth, creating space and aligning them for a straighter, more uniform smile. By correcting tooth alignment, orthodontic treatment not only improves the appearance of your smile but also enhances your oral health and function.

At Damon Orthodontics, we offer a range of treatment options to address crowded or crooked teeth in adults. Our skilled orthodontists will assess your dental alignment and recommend the most effective solution for your needs. Whether you choose traditional braces or clear aligners, we’ll work closely with you to achieve the straight, healthy smile you deserve.

4. Gaps Between Teeth

Gaps between teeth, also known as diastema, can be another sign that you may benefit from orthodontic treatment as an adult. While some people embrace the unique character of gaps in their smile, others may feel self-conscious about them. Additionally, large gaps between teeth can impact oral function and increase the risk of food getting trapped, leading to decay and gum disease.

Orthodontic treatment can effectively close gaps between teeth by gradually moving them closer together. Braces or clear aligners apply gentle pressure to shift the teeth into their proper positions, closing the spaces between them. By closing gaps, orthodontic treatment not only improves the appearance of your smile but also enhances your oral health and function.

At Damon Orthodontics, we understand the impact that gaps between teeth can have on your confidence and oral health. Our experienced orthodontists offer personalized treatment plans tailored to address your specific concerns and goals. Whether you’re seeking to close small gaps or correct more significant spacing issues, we’re here to help you achieve the smile you desire.

5. Overbite or Underbite

An overbite or underbite occurs when the upper and lower jaws are misaligned, causing the upper teeth to protrude over the lower teeth (overbite) or the lower teeth to protrude past the upper teeth (underbite). These bite irregularities can lead to various issues, including difficulty chewing, speech problems, and jaw pain.

Adults with overbites or underbites may experience discomfort or self-consciousness about their smile and facial profile. In severe cases, these conditions can also affect facial aesthetics and contribute to TMJ disorders.

Orthodontic treatment can help correct overbites and underbites by gradually repositioning the teeth and jaws into proper alignment. Depending on the severity of the bite discrepancy, treatment may involve braces, clear aligners, or other orthodontic appliances.

At Damon Orthodontics, our team of skilled orthodontists specializes in diagnosing and treating bite irregularities in adults. We offer comprehensive evaluations to determine the best course of treatment for each patient, helping them achieve optimal oral health and a confident smile.

6. Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Bruxism, commonly known as teeth grinding, is a condition characterized by the involuntary clenching, gnashing, or grinding of teeth. While occasional teeth grinding may not cause significant harm, chronic bruxism can lead to various dental issues and discomfort.

Adults with bruxism may experience symptoms such as jaw pain, headaches, worn tooth enamel, and increased tooth sensitivity. Over time, persistent teeth grinding can cause damage to tooth surfaces, leading to fractures, chips, or even tooth loss.

Orthodontic treatment can play a vital role in managing bruxism by addressing underlying bite irregularities or misalignments that contribute to teeth grinding. By correcting these issues, orthodontists can help alleviate the strain on the jaw joints and reduce the likelihood of bruxism-related complications.

At Damon Orthodontics, our team recognizes the importance of addressing bruxism as part of comprehensive orthodontic care. We work closely with adult patients to identify and treat the underlying causes of teeth grinding, helping them achieve improved oral health and quality of life.

7. Self-Conscious About Your Smile

Many adults may feel self-conscious about their smile due to various dental issues, such as crooked, crowded, or misaligned teeth. These concerns can impact their confidence and self-esteem in social and professional settings.

Orthodontic treatment offers a solution for adults who are unhappy with the appearance of their smile. By addressing underlying dental issues, such as crooked or misaligned teeth, orthodontists can help adults achieve a straighter, more symmetrical smile.

At Damon Orthodontics, we understand the importance of feeling confident in your smile. Our team provides personalized orthodontic treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs and goals. Whether you’re struggling with crowded teeth, gaps, or other aesthetic concerns, we’re here to help you regain confidence in your smile.


Adults experiencing any of the signs mentioned above should consider scheduling a consultation with an orthodontist. Orthodontic treatment is not just for adolescents; it can also benefit adults by addressing various dental issues and improving overall oral health and confidence.

At Damon Orthodontics, we specialize in providing high-quality orthodontic care for patients of all ages. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping adults achieve straighter, healthier smiles through personalized treatment plans tailored to their unique needs and goals.

If you’re experiencing any of the signs discussed in this article, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a consultation. Together, we can determine the best orthodontic solution to help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.