Damon Orthdodontics

Can Braces Fix An Underbite?

A confident smile is a valuable asset, and it’s something we all desire. However, various orthodontic issues can affect the alignment of our teeth and the harmony of our smiles. One common concern is an underbite. An underbite occurs when the lower teeth extend in front of the upper teeth when the mouth is closed, creating an imbalance in the bite.

At Damon Orthodontics, we understand the significance of addressing underbites not only for aesthetic reasons but also for oral health and functionality. This article explores the question: Can braces fix an underbite? We’ll delve into the nature of underbites, their causes, and the role of braces in correcting this common orthodontic issue.

If you’ve ever wondered whether braces are a suitable solution for your underbite, read on to discover the transformative power of orthodontic treatment.

Understanding Underbites

Before we explore the potential of braces in fixing underbites, it’s essential to understand what an underbite is and why it occurs.

An underbite, also known as a Class III malocclusion, is a misalignment of the teeth and jaws where the lower jaw protrudes forward, causing the lower front teeth to sit in front of the upper front teeth when the mouth is closed. This results in an abnormal bite pattern, impacting both the appearance and function of the teeth.

Several factors can contribute to the development of underbites:


Heredity plays a significant role in the development of underbites. If one or both of your parents have an underbite, you may be more predisposed to this condition.

Thumb-Sucking or Prolonged Pacifier Use

Childhood habits like thumb-sucking or prolonged use of pacifiers can alter the growth and positioning of the jaw, potentially leading to an underbite.

Dental Issues

Tooth loss, impacted teeth, or other dental problems can disrupt the proper alignment of the upper and lower teeth, contributing to underbites.

Jaw Growth Discrepancies

In some cases, differences in the growth rates of the upper and lower jaws can lead to underbites.

Now that we have a better understanding of what underbites are and what causes them, let’s explore how braces can play a crucial role in addressing this orthodontic issue.

Treatment Options for Underbites

When it comes to treating underbites, various orthodontic and dental options are available. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of the underbite, the age of the patient, and individual preferences. Here are some of the treatment options commonly used to address underbites:


Traditional braces can be effective in correcting underbites, especially in mild to moderate cases. Braces apply continuous pressure to the teeth, gradually moving them into the correct position. For underbites, braces work on aligning both the upper and lower teeth and jaws, bringing them into proper harmony.


Invisalign clear aligners are an alternative to traditional braces. They are a discreet and removable option for underbite correction. Invisalign aligners are custom-made for each patient and work to gradually shift the teeth and jaws into the desired alignment. They are a popular choice among adults and older teens seeking a less conspicuous treatment.

Orthognathic Surgery

In severe underbite cases, orthognathic surgery may be necessary. This surgical procedure involves repositioning the upper and lower jaws to achieve the correct bite alignment. Orthognathic surgery is typically recommended for cases where braces or aligners alone cannot achieve the desired results.

Tooth Extraction

In some instances, especially when overcrowding is a contributing factor to the underbite, the removal of one or more teeth may be necessary to create space for proper alignment.

Functional Appliances

Functional appliances, such as Herbst appliances or chin cups, may be used in growing children to guide jaw growth and correct underbites. These appliances are often employed as part of an early intervention strategy.

Palatal Expanders

Palatal expanders are devices used to widen the upper jaw when it is too narrow, allowing for better alignment of the upper and lower teeth. This can be particularly effective in younger patients with developing jaws.


After active treatment with braces or other orthodontic devices, retainers are often prescribed to maintain the corrected bite and prevent relapse.

The choice of treatment will be determined after a comprehensive evaluation by an orthodontic specialist. They will consider the individual’s age, the severity of the underbite, and other factors to develop a personalized treatment plan.

The Process of Correcting an Underbite with Braces

If you have been diagnosed with an underbite and braces are recommended as the treatment of choice, you may be curious about what to expect during the correction process. Correcting an underbite with braces typically involves several steps:

Consultation and Evaluation

The journey begins with a consultation with an orthodontic specialist. During this initial visit, the orthodontist will assess the severity of your underbite, take X-rays, photographs, and dental impressions. This comprehensive evaluation helps determine the best treatment plan.

Customized Treatment Plan

Based on the evaluation, your orthodontist will create a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan outlines the steps required to correct your underbite using braces.

Braces Application

Once the treatment plan is established, the braces will be applied. Braces consist of brackets that are bonded to each tooth and connected by wires. In the case of an underbite, the braces will be designed to apply pressure to both the upper and lower teeth to gradually move them into proper alignment.

Regular Adjustments

After the initial placement of braces, you’ll need to visit your orthodontist periodically for adjustments. During these appointments, the orthodontist will make necessary changes to the wires and sometimes replace rubber bands. These adjustments are vital for maintaining steady progress toward correcting your underbite.

Monitoring Progress

Throughout the treatment, your orthodontist will closely monitor your progress to ensure the underbite is gradually improving. This may involve taking additional X-rays and making adjustments to the treatment plan as needed.

Duration of Treatment

The length of time you’ll wear braces to correct an underbite varies depending on the severity of the condition. On average, treatment with braces for underbites can range from one to three years.


Once your underbite is corrected, you will likely be prescribed retainers to wear. Retainers help maintain the corrected bite and prevent the teeth from shifting back to their previous positions.

Oral Hygiene and Care

Proper oral hygiene is crucial during the treatment process. You’ll need to maintain good dental hygiene practices, including regular brushing, flossing, and attending dental check-ups.

Diet Modifications

Your orthodontist may recommend dietary modifications to protect your braces and promote effective treatment. This can include avoiding certain foods that could damage the braces or hinder progress.

It’s important to follow your orthodontist’s instructions diligently throughout the treatment process. Compliance with care and maintenance guidelines will significantly impact the success of your underbite correction.

Remember that while the journey to correct an underbite with braces may require patience, the end result—achieving a properly aligned bite and a confident smile—makes it well worth the effort.

Benefits of Correcting an Underbite

Correcting an underbite with braces offers numerous benefits that extend beyond achieving a more aesthetically pleasing smile. Here are some of the key advantages:

Improved Facial Harmony

An underbite can impact the balance and proportions of your face. Correcting it can enhance overall facial harmony, giving you a more balanced and symmetrical appearance.

Enhanced Bite Function

One of the primary benefits is achieving a functional bite. Correcting an underbite ensures that your upper and lower teeth come together correctly when you bite and chew. This can improve your ability to eat a wider range of foods comfortably.

Speech Improvement

Some individuals with underbites may experience speech difficulties. Braces can help align the teeth and improve speech clarity, allowing you to communicate more effectively.

Reduced Risk of Dental Issues

Underbites can contribute to dental problems such as excessive wear and tear on teeth, gum issues, and increased risk of cavities. Correcting the underbite with braces can reduce these risks and promote better oral health.

Enhanced Confidence

Feeling self-conscious about an underbite can affect your self-esteem and confidence. By achieving a more aligned smile, you’ll likely feel more confident in social and professional settings.

Prevention of Further Issues

Untreated underbites can lead to more severe dental and jaw issues over time. Addressing the underbite with braces can prevent these complications from developing.

Long-Term Stability

Braces help ensure that the corrected bite remains stable over the long term. With proper care and the use of retainers, you can maintain the results achieved through braces.

Orthodontic Progress

Correcting an underbite can be a step toward achieving optimal orthodontic health. It may serve as part of a broader orthodontic treatment plan to address other dental issues if needed.

Better Overall Health

Oral health is closely linked to overall health. By improving your oral health through underbite correction, you may experience overall health benefits, including reduced risk of certain systemic conditions.

It’s important to note that the specific benefits of underbite correction can vary depending on individual factors, such as the severity of the underbite and overall oral health. Your orthodontist will provide personalized guidance based on your unique needs.

While the process of correcting an underbite with braces may require time and patience, the long-term benefits, both functionally and aesthetically, make it a worthwhile investment in your oral health and quality of life.

Damon Orthodontics: Your Partner for Underbite Correction

When it comes to correcting underbites, Damon Orthodontics stands out as your trusted partner. Here’s why we’re the top choice for underbite correction:

Expertise and Experience

Our team of experienced orthodontists specializes in a wide range of orthodontic issues, including underbites. With years of experience, we have successfully treated numerous patients with underbites, achieving remarkable results.

Cutting-Edge Technology

At Damon Orthodontics, we embrace the latest advancements in orthodontic technology. We use state-of-the-art equipment and the innovative Damon System braces to ensure efficient, comfortable, and effective underbite correction.

Customized Treatment

We understand that each patient is unique, and so are their underbites. Our treatment plans are personalized to address your specific needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes. Whether you’re a child, teenager, or adult, we have tailored solutions to suit your age and lifestyle.

Patient Comfort

Your comfort is our priority. Damon System braces are designed for maximum comfort and efficiency. With fewer adjustments and reduced discomfort compared to traditional braces, you’ll experience a smoother and more pleasant underbite correction journey.

Comprehensive Care

We provide comprehensive care beyond just braces. Our team offers guidance on maintaining excellent oral hygiene during your treatment and is always ready to address any questions or concerns you may have.

Proven Success

Damon Orthodontics has a proven track record of successful underbite corrections. Our patients have achieved improved facial harmony, better bite function, and increased confidence in their smiles.

Convenient Locations

With multiple convenient locations, Damon Orthodontics is accessible to a wide range of patients. We aim to make your underbite correction as hassle-free as possible.

Patient-Centered Approach

Our patient-centered approach means you’re an active participant in your treatment journey. We keep you informed, involved, and empowered every step of the way.

When you choose Damon Orthodontics for underbite correction, you’re selecting a team dedicated to helping you achieve a healthier, more aligned smile. Your underbite doesn’t have to define you. Let us partner with you on the path to a more confident and comfortable life.


In the journey toward a healthier, more balanced smile, underbite correction plays a pivotal role. While living with an underbite can pose challenges, the good news is that there are effective solutions available, and braces are a powerful tool in this regard.

Understanding the causes, treatment options, and the process involved in correcting an underbite is the first step toward making an informed decision. Braces have proven to be a reliable and successful method for underbite correction, with the Damon System braces standing out as a top choice.

At Damon Orthodontics, we’re not just committed to straightening teeth; we’re dedicated to improving lives. Our team of experienced orthodontists, state-of-the-art technology, personalized treatment plans, and patient-centered approach make us the ideal partner on your journey to correct your underbite.

Remember, an underbite doesn’t define you, and with the right treatment, you can achieve a more balanced and confident smile. If you’re considering underbite correction with braces, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Ready to take the first step toward a more harmonious smile? Contact Damon Orthodontics today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can help you achieve a healthier and more beautiful smile with the power of braces. Your smile transformation awaits!