Damon Orthodontics

Damon Orthodontics blog


Orthodontics Through the Ages: Treatments for Different Life Stages

Smiles, they transcend time and age, reflecting our unique journeys through life. Orthodontics, the art and science of aligning smiles, has evolved over the years ...
Crooked Teeth

Common Causes of Crooked Teeth in Children

When it comes to ensuring your child is happy and healthy, you’d do anything. You would read any book, take all the credible advice you ...
Girl Brushing Teeth with Braces

What Happens If You Have Braces and Don’t Brush Your Teeth?

So you’ve started your Orthodontic journey by getting your braces on at the Orthodontist, now what? Wearing braces is only part of the job in ...
Girl With Braces

The Braces Survival Kit: What you should always keep on you

Having braces can be tough but a necessary part of getting the smile you really want. Braces are with you 24/7 for the duration of ...
Life With Braces

Life with Braces

What to Expect Congratulations on beginning your orthodontic journey! We are excited to be taking this step with you. We are here to make sure ...