Damon Orthdodontics

Adult Orthodontics Expectations vs. Reality

Man Smiling - Adult Orthodontics

Damon Orthodontics focuses on providing the finest quality orthodontic treatment in a friendly and professional environment. Our doctors are rated as the top Adult Orthodontists in Spokane and one of the top Invisalign practices in the state of Washington. We are located in three locations within Spokane, providing ease of access to our patients having a busy schedule. 

There could be many reasons for you needing braces and no matter what those reasons are, booking a free consultation with us will help you to determine the best treatment plan, types of braces, and costs of braces. You can be assured that you will leave with the perfect smile.

Nervous about getting braces

It’s normal to feel some anxiety before  getting your braces fitted. No matter how old you are or how many times you have been told that getting your braces put on does not hurt, you will still feel nervous about appliances being attached to your teeth. Initially, when you get your braces put on they may cause a bit of discomfort. This is because your teeth, gums, cheeks and lips aren’t familiar with the added appliance that will be on your teeth. 

For some individuals, sores or cuts on their lips or cheeks are experienced. These can be caused by the brackets sticking out further on the teeth. If this occurs, there is orthodontic wax available to help curb that kind of discomfort. Generally, this kind of discomfort should go away after a week. If sores in your mouth makes you fearful of braces, there are options such as Invisalign to consider.

To help you overcome your nervousness of getting braces take the time to consult with your orthodontist so you know more about the treatment process and can become mentally prepared. Moreover, talk to others who have had success with braces so they can give you some pointers on what to expect. 

Everything you need to know about braces

Choosing an orthodontist treatment is an important investment of your time and money. Consulting with an orthodontist for professional advice is the best way to find the answers you are looking for. Whether you are getting braces after 40, getting braces at 25, or anywhere in between, it is important to understand what to expect. Some advice for your first couple of days with braces include: 

  • Eat soft foods such as soup, yogurt, applesauce, scrambled eggs, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, etc.
  • Use over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen if necessary.
  • Avoid sucking on or touching your mouth sores or teeth with your tongue or fingers. The more you touch them, the more they’ll hurt.
  • Avoid acidic drinks and foods (such as citrus juices or tomato sauce), which will irritate your mouth sores.

Your expectation for a perfect smile is within your grasp. There may be a few sacrifices along the way but the end result is worth it.

Book Your Free Consultation Today

If you have been contemplating adult orthodontics, Damon Orthodontics is your place to be. Our top rated Orthodontists in Spokane will be happy to assist you. We have 3 locations throughout Spokane WA, providing ease to our patients. Book your appointment with us today.